Accessibility Statement

Useful Information

We strive to provide the best possible experience for all our guests and visitors through a policy of continuous monitoring and improvement of all our facilities and training for our staff. We work to identify areas where improvements are required and implement reasonable solutions wherever possible.

We aim not to just be compliant with our legal obligations, but to be able to deliver an outstanding experience which meets and, where possible, exceeds the statutory requirements placed upon us.

Access for wheelchair users and people with limited mobility is restricted to Cove Cottage. Cove Cottage is provided with a portable ramp to gain access to the cottage, and is a bungalow with all services and rooms located on one level.

Our other cottages all have stairs, and do not have bathrooms and bedrooms on the ground floor, which can be challenging for guests with limited mobility.

Our guests and visitors are encouraged to bring any accessibility issues to our attention. We always welcome input and work to address concerns, for their benefit and for the benefit of all our future guests and visitors. Our staff will always go the extra mile to ensure that all our guests have the best possible experience when staying with St Aubyn Estates Holidays.

Our website has been built to achieve a high standard of accessibility for all users

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